Mon 27 Jan
My Cuban Spice Is Sure To Heat Up Your Night!!!!!!!! 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!!!!! - 23
(Portland, Incall)
{ LOOK } T!GHT :: ( ♥TENDER♥ ) :: ( ♥FREAKY♥ ) ::young:: ( ♥JAPANESE MIX♥ ):: ( ♥im ready now ♥) - 23
(Portland, incall only)
*¨¨*:.;LAST DAY .:* OUTragous¨¨*- :¦:-* ¨¨*- :¦:-* SPECIALS¨¨*- :¦: 2DAY ONLY *¨¨*:.&; .:* - 23
(Portland, in or out available)
(¯`´¯ ) Hi gh WAY to Heaven!Long Legs, Big Tits, Hot LIPS, Small Waist,Nice Bun& Pretty Face - 24
(I-205 & mill plain *I LOVE TO KISS!*)
GUESS WHOS BACK??? CURVY , BUSTY, YUMMY Brunette 40DD BIG BOOTY +++80 h h Specials - 47
**Extreamly Sexy!! AMAZING BODY !! Sexy playmate. come ! discreet! - 22
(Portland, Portland OUTCALLS AND INCALLS!)
~~ EarLy BiRd SpeCiaLs WOW--> $80B&G;! ~~ $pecial$ Exclusively for YOU! ~~EarLy BiRd SpeCiaLs~~ - 23
(Portland, Your place or mine?)
E X O T I C L A T I N A 💕💕 100 special! Available NOW with NO rush 💕💕 - 22
(Portland, Beaverton / 158th / baseline)
》》》Come Play Wit The Biggest Titties In Pdx ;)《《《 - 20
(Portland, Portland&Vancouver; Incall&Outcall;)
{ { { { { CUTE & SWEET ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~> > > > P E T I T E P L A YM AT E ((((( REAL DEAL )))
CRAIGSLIST Closes Adult Services - 21,083 Escorts on
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Brand NEW !!! BUSTY Blonde AVAiLABLE 0NE DAY 0nly :D NeVeR BeFoRE SEEN 36DD'S CURVY ViXeN A - 24
º(¯` AMAZING★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) PETITE(¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) BARBIE .•'´¯)(GORGEOUS FACE)Available N&D; - 20
(Portland, My place NE Portland)
An unforgettable experience... Indian and french goddess ready to please!!! (hablo espanol) - 24
(Portland, down town, beaverton, gresham, portland)
** 38DDD ** 38DDD TIGHT * * THICK * BUSTY * BLONDE 38DDD ** 38DDD ** - 23
(Portland, Beaverton, Salem, Vancouver)
38D's Sexy Bubbly Gal 200fh Hair Down There too! Available NOW...Come and Get It!!! - 34
(Westside of PDX)
...$100 Incall & outcall special. Give THis LAtina PRincess A SPANKING...! - 25
(incall/outcall/portland & surrounding)
Just what the doc ordered for older gents. A petite, sweet treat for you nothing clinical here :) - 35
(Inner SE Hawthorne area, Portland)
The Most ORGASMIC & SEXiest! UR mouth waters U DRIP I'M stretched out on my bed - 29
(Portland, Discreet Residential SE Incall W/ac)
======= ► Sweet Asian * Sexy * Pretty * Body to Body @@@ Tel : 503-869-8026 @@@ ◄ ======= - 22
(downtown Portland, Portland)
sweet juicy sexy busty brunette incall only 80$ special - 21
(portland, beaverton, lake oswego, vancou)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ★ • SUNDAY ❤ SPECIALS • .★. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ - 36
(Portland, 24/7 Portland & surrounding area)
♥ STuNNiNGLy BeauTiFul BBW! ♥ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe! ♥ FoRGeT THe ReST, HaVe THe BeST! - 29
(Incall SE Foster 75+ & Outcall 100+, Portland)
🚫 Stop!! Look No Further.. Bella here To FulFill Your Erotic Fantasies!!! 503 567 6101 Call Me Now - 26
(Portland, Rockwood Gresham area)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, In town, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Sweet amazing tgif specials incall 1or two g specialirl - 20
(Portland, lake oswego tigard beaverton incall)
♥ SPECIALS❤ ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ Exotic ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ Caramel ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ Bombshell ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ - 23
(Portland, Incall-Airport way/Pdx)
*SPECIALS* all DAY ! AMAZING duo ! _ 3052970393 _ B R E A T H T A K I N G experience . - 20
(Portland, |AIRPORT incall|)
(( ★SuPeR FrEaKy ★ )) 1OO SpEc!@L (( ★ UlT!MaTe PlEaSeR★)) K!LLeR CuRvEs!! - 23
....SPECIAL 80hr🌹SPECIAL, ❤sexy lil body, ❤ "TIGHT" lil Kitty ❤ C.U.M GET IT 👅! - 34
(Pdx area, Portland)
SpANk Me * SuPeR FrEaKy & KiNkY ToP NoTcH LaTiNa!!! $80$ incall specials All DAY & NITE!! - 25
Sun 12 Jan
Invite me over! Let's PlAy 💕 Curvy Tall 💋ExotiC💦🍑 Playmate Bosnian Bombshell - 27
(Portland, Your Place)
Nows Your Once In A Lifetime Oppourtunity To Get The Best 'Release" Of Your Life
(Portland, Sandy Blvd (929)500-2230)
As Real As it Gets!! 100% Are You Ready To Be Pleased by a Sexy & Fun Cutie?? - 20
(Portland, beaverton/portland/hillsboro all areas)
100hr °U° __ °N° __ °B° __ °E° __ °L° __°I° __ °V° __ °E° __ °B°__ °L°__ °E° - - 24
(Portland, Outcall all areas / vancouver)
Katora PDX Private Incall avail. 24/7~Meet my sexy girlfriends too~ - 26
(Southeast Portland, SE Portland)
♥ I.. KN◯W.. JUS†.. H◯W.. T◯... MAKє ...Y◯U.. SMϊLє! Lunch Specials - 20
(Portland, Airport Incall 90hh 130fh)
Sat 11 Jan
Platinum 【☯】BLonDE 💋INCALL && OUTCALL 💋 ❤Brittany❤ F€Tii$H Ⓕ Ⓡ Ⓔ Ⓐ Ⓚ - 26
(Medford, incall and out call)
::::: Warning :::: FAKE / stolen pics mia 503-933-4297 ---->> FAKE fresh ..... tight... hot - 22
💕💖💋💋💋💋Let ME Take YOU To PARADISE 👄👄👄 SEXY 👅👅 💋💋$100Special💋💋💕💕💖 - 21
(Southeast Portland, Lloyd Center)
NEW TO AREA ;) ✳️ASIAN BARBIE✳️╭ღ 【YOUNG&╰ღ╮ ❤ ╭ღ╯🚺 【READY】▬✿★✿▬ 【2 PLAY】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟【 spinner 】▬ - 20
(Portland, beaverton/portland)